
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Overlook Hour Guest Profile: The Impostor & Math Mage

This week we reach the 13th episode of The Overlook Hour, and to mark the occasion we're spending this hour with two members of the Overlook family; one joining us for the first time, the other coming back for a second round. These two are some of the most opposite personalities that frequent the Overlook.

If you collect movies and look forward to the weekly list of new releases, chances are you're already familiar with the podcast new comer. The Impostor (Terrell) hunts down the exclusive releases, limited runs, and collector's re-releases every week for Bluray Tuesday, then ends up picking up most of the titles himself. As you can see from his instagram, he watches a ton of movies. 

Our returning guest is the Math Mage, who is also the gracious host for this recording.

There is a park near the southern boarder of San Francisco that has a large hill with an unassuming house atop it. This house is actually Math Mage's (Rahgedfu) lair. As one would guess, this wizard that frequents the Overlook Theatre lives in a chaotic library of tomes, maps, and small creatures made of plastic, pewter and lead. Everything in this chamber is a sort of spell component used to help manipulate one's imagination and immerse them within the table top game of the moment.

Both of these creatures spend a lot of time traveling with, and watching movies at the Overlook. They were both in attendance at the finale of Another Hole in the Head when Beyond the Gates finally came to San Francisco, and at the impromptu screening of The Purge parody, Meet the Blacks. 

Check out their episode of The Overlook Hour below!


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