
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Treasures From the ComiCombs Issue #38: Thin, Glitterbomb, Kill or be Killed

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a great three day weekend and that you’re all ready for more new releases! September is off to a good start with some of our favorite titles returning and some really cool new #1s. This week I dug deep and pulled out some new titles going head to head in a brand new duel review.

Eclipse #1 (Image)

After a solar event in the near future, sunlight has been transformed into deadly rays. Survivors now live in nocturnal cities and a killer emerges who uses the sunlight to burn his victims to death. This one is sure to satisfy that sci-fi loving part of any horror nerd's heart.

Thin #1 (American Gothic Press)

This one slipped under my radar but I’m happy that I caught it in time. Thin is a new title from American Gothic Press with a pretty unique premise. The cover art for issue #1 is pretty awesome, Jon Clark is in charge of writing and art on this title and I’m pretty excited to see what he has to offer with this new #1.
Thin is the visceral and utterly disturbing story of a woman mired in obsession and guilt who desperately tries for a miracle cure, only to uncover a deadly horror. The ordinary world of dieting goes to very dark places.”

Glitterbomb #1 (Image)

Image continues to release an alarming number of unique and great new titles and Glitterbomb seems like it’s going to continue the trend. Glitterbomb is “a dramatic horror story about fame and failure.” Maybe I’m just an Image fanboy but I am really excited to pick up Glitterbomb this week. 

“Farrah Durante is a middle-aged actress hunting for her next gig in an industry where youth trumps experience. Her frustrations become an emotional lure for something horrifying out beyond the water, something ready to exact revenge on the shallow celebrity-obsessed culture that's led her astray.”

This week my fourth recommendation is a little different than usual. Instead of bringing you a title that’s been in publication for more than a year, I have a brand new title that is a must read. Today marks the release of the highly anticipated second issue of Kill or be Killed.

I feel confident in saying that the team of Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips and Elizabeth Breitweiser are the best in the industry. Coming off of The Fade Out which was an amazing title, the same creative team brings us something completely different and just as engaging with Kill or be Killed. The first issue will draw you in immediately. Whether it’s the solid writing or the art, you’re sure to find something in this book that will have you wanting more. Pick up the first two issues and make sure to put this one on your pull list.

This week we’re back with an all new duel review. I don’t really know much at all about these next two titles so it’s going to be an interesting read for both of them. Let's take a closer a look at the titles going head to head.

Fade to Black (Image)

“Desert survival is hard, even without a cannibal cult in the mix. Five people will find that out as they embark on the most terrifying journey of their young lives...only none of them are what they seem--and neither is anything else!”

Crawl to Me (IDW)

Crawl to Me centers on Ryan as he struggles to protect his family from what appears to be an evil entity living within their basement's crawl space. It is only after a series of violent events occur that Ryan realizes he must set aside all he believes to be true in order to face his shocking and inevitable reality.”

That wraps it up for this week. With a handful of exciting new releases and two new books in our duel review, you have no excuse to not pick something up from your local shop! Make sure to be back next week for the results and even more books to look forward to.

- The Creature of the ComiCombs

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