
Saturday, January 9, 2016

Creepy PastaMania!

For this weeks Creepy PastaMania, I wanted to show you just how bad some creepypastas can be and why having someone suggest good ones to general readers who don't have the time to wade through all the crap is helpful when it comes to stories like these. I also found this to be true for short horror videos or any-other medium where people who think they are awesome but have absolutely no talent can still have their work shown to the general public.

(Pasta Served Here)

Genre: Psychological Horror

Author: Gar

Reading Time: 45min

Synopsis: To start off, I'm going to share with you an amazing story. It is my absolute favorite and has been the highest rated pasta on Creepypasta for as long as I've known about the site. It does a great job of building suspense and shows just how fucked up your own mind can be.

(How Scary)

Pasta Quality
(How Well Written)

The Town of Blanche
Genre: ??? (10 Year-old writing his first story ever)

Author: Unknown

Reading Time: 2 min

Synopsis: Now I'm kinda cheating here cause does have a top 10 and a low 10 and I'm just going to link the lowest rated one from the low 10 list. But that's only 20 stories in total compared to the 10's of thousands of stories out there. I really love the stories and I appreciate all the writers even trying, but it really sucks when you waste 20-30 min on a awful story.... With a lot of them, you can tell right off the bat it's going to suck and can stop before you get to far, but a few pull you in, then unravel at the end. The Town of Blanche is one of the former; right away you can tell its going to suck and it does. Thankfully it's very short which is another reason why I chose it. You'll only have to suffer for 1-3 min.

(How Scary)

Pasta Quality
(How Well Written)

Thankfully has a sister site called Crappypasta where they post unpolished stories and the writers can get help from other writers. All stories on creepypasta are reviewed before being posted but still shitty stories leak through from time to time. Other sites like reddit and the creepypasta wiki don't have such filters, luckily as the stories get more and more popular, some of the better writers have actually started getting careers and movie deals. Overall the quality seems to be improving dramatically and I hope it's a sign of things to come.

- Ice Giant

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