
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why Frame A Laser Disc?

         A while back in my first "I'm Back" post I mentioned buying laser discs for the art. So I pulled the unframed ones out of my closet and took pictures of the ones on my wall to show how a laser disc can make pretty cool art.Above is a shot of 2/3 of my front room wall. Normally I can't stand my picture frames being crooked but the sub woofer is on the other side of the wall so I've gotten used to it...

          Id say the best and most obvious reason to frame a laser disc would be the art. Pumpkinhead has never looked better than he does on this lost format. Sadly these two are living in my closet at the moment, once I find the wall space these bad boys are going up for sure.

Another reason to dig through piles of laser discs in hopes of finding one to frame is the chance you may find some cool alternate art. Antoine Doinel is seen above stealing milk which is a much cooler subject for a cover than any of the ones they used for dvd/blu ray (as seen below).

More awesome art not on the DVD cover. "The Legend of Hell House" actually has terrible DVD...

I told you.

And once every now and then you find a film that is a pain in the ass to find in any format. I found this copy of  "Don't Look Now" at the Amoeba in Berkeley for $2.99, that is just something you don't pass up. On a side note I also found this book at Half Priced Books just a few blocks away! 

I love books that focus on a single movie (I have another about "They Live").

Then the ultimate reason to hunt laser discs down. The simple fact some movies just never make it to the dvd/blu ray format! Well "The Return of the Evil Dead" has since been released but some things will never, like the untouched versions of the first 3 Star Wars movies.

I've seen this for sale 3 times, each time for $40. I still kick myself for not purchasing them.

          So now that you are dying to hunt down and find your favorite films in laser disc format you'll enjoy this next bit of info. Framing them is incredibly easy as they are the same size as records! Hit up any Aaron Brothers or Michaels and they should have these sitting around for you...
There you have it, now go out and start decorating the house!

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